Hi my name is Robert Graham, former chairman of the ARIZONA Republican Party. Right now, most of us have put Politics behind us and we are concerned about the well being of the nation. We are doing everything we possibly can to not only protect our country, but our families and our livelihoods.

"...protecting our country, our families and our livlihoods."

Most of us are thinking about self-preservation. Will the people I care about stay healthy? How do I keep myself or my family safe? Will I keep my job? Or am I going to be able to keep food on our table and a roof over our heads?
Now, more than ever, the President should be surrounded by people that know him, believe in him and are willing to do what it takes to protect him while he works to protect every American.

"...experience is the greatest asset to protect us."

Over the last month I’ve been on multiple calls with the White House, DHS, Fema and other agencies.  The best minds are working toward the best possible solution for our country and to end COVID-19. More than any time in the recent past, experience is the greatest asset to protect us.
As members of the Republican Party of Arizona and citizens of this great country, our job is to protect the values and principles that we believe are the best governing principles. Republican principles. Not politics... but proven strategies that lead to great outcomes. No give-a-ways; we know work will lead us to the results.
Since the beginning of Donald J. Trump’s candidacy for President, he has had to lean into the fight. Even in the face of this deadly crisis he has stood his ground against the establishment, liberal democrats, and progressive socialists that are more aligned with special interests, than saving the lives of Americans.

"Lean into the fight...

He's not afraid to stand for something. He is doing what must be done to solve this crisis.
Our republican party must be the solution party. How we prepare for the future and help to keep our country moving forward is on our shoulders.
Now is not the time to abandon experience and proven leadership to chase a candidate with misplaced ambitions to build a personal resume.

It’s time for proven leadership.  That is why I’m running for National Committeeman.

Collectively, Arizona Republicans have centuries of experience and must have an authentic voice to carry our solutions to the rest of the Nation. Our message is a message of hope, it’s a message of opportunity,  it’s a message of what can be done.
Past accomplishments demonstrate measured leadership.
We must first stand with our President. Then, we must fight to protect our values and principles.  Lastly, protect our nation from the liberals and progressive socialists who are working to destroy our Nation.
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My name is Robert Graham,

and I am asking you to stand with me in supporting
President Donald J. Trump and show the rest of the nation
the resilient strength and loyalty of Arizona.



    (202) 505-1059